Amariah Robinson
Amariah Robinson
My name is Amariah Robinson and I am a first year transfer student here at UNC Charlotte for Fall 2024 majoring in Computer Science with a concentration in Data Science. I was recently pursuing an associates degree in Software Engineering but decided to switch over to Data Science. Please feel free to connect or message me via my LinkedIn profile!
I was proudly able to work with my mentor Dr. Denis Jacob Machado, who is the principal investigator of the Phyloinformatics Lab and with my colleague Manish Kota, during my time in the REU Smart and Secure Future Computing (#2244424) Program here at UNC Charlotte.
My research with Dr. Denis Jacob Machado over the summer of 2024 was to see if Natural language processors and generative AI (such as that implemented in chatGPT v4) can parse information from species diagnosis and identification keys and allow unformatted text searches to support experts in the classification of bess beetles. Our preliminary data is on GitLab.
Unfortunately, Passalidae experts take too many resources to train and therefore the goal of the phyloinformatics lab is to increase the productivity of these taxonomic experts via artificial intelligence. This work will be used as pilot data for a collaborative proposal (UNC Charlotte, UNM, NC State, and Universidad del Magdalena) proposal to NSF’s Advancing Revisionary Taxonomy and Systematics (ARTS) program.
Last update: Aug. 23, 2024.