Phyloinformatics Lab

Software, datasets, and more

Below, you will find a list of selected applications and databases produced by the Phyloinformatics Lab. Our lab is interested in tools that facilitate comparative genomics and bioinformatics of non-model organisms, focusing on host-pathogen or host-parasite systems. We are also interested in developing dedicated gene prediction and annotation tools for a range of models, from flatworms to viruses. Finally, we produce software that aids in phylogenetic analyses.

More Applications and Databases

CMACestode Mitogenome Annotator

Dedicated gene prediction and annotation for cestode mitogenomes.

AWAInfer Genome Circularity

The AWA project integrates software solutions for testing the completeness of assemblies of circular DNA based on short sequence reads.

EchinoDBInfer Genome Circularity

EchinoDB is a database consisting of amino acid sequence othoclusters from echinoderm transcriptomes.

Guides, Tutorials, and Bioinformatics Tips

Nanodrop and QubitHow To Use

How to use the Nanodrop and Qubit instruments available in CIPHER’s wet labs


How to use the SLURM job scheduler, especially in UNC Charlotte’s reserach clusters.

Soft TipsMiscellaneous

Assorted bioinformatics tips, tricks, and solutions.

Charlotte TipsMiscellaneous

Things to do in Charlotte, NC

Ask Before TravellingMiscellaneous

List of questions that the Phyloinformatics Lab suggests you to ask before visiting us in UNC Charlotte coming from outside the USA


This section may include materials that were not produced by the Phyloinformatics Lab but that we use frequently.

Better PosterScientific Poster Template

A template that helps you creating a better research poster in less time. Click here for the YouTube video and click here for the template.

UNC Charlotte'sOfficial PowerPoint Templates

Download the slides to your computer from Brand Identity & Visual Standards.

LaTeX Slide DeckUNC Charlotte Beamer Template

A 2022 Beamer presentation template with UNC Charlotte’s official logo and colors. Based on UC Berkeley Beamer Theme and odified by Kimberly Mays (Creative Commons CC BY 4.0).

Phyloinformatics Lab

This section is dedicate to internal paperwork of the Phyloinformatics Lab.

Mentor-Mentee AgreementPaperwork

Most up-to-date version of the Phloinformatics Lab’s Mentor-Mentee Agreement.

Code of ConductPaperwork

Most up-to-date version of the Phloinformatics Lab’s Code of Conduct.

UNC Charlotte

There are a number of resources that are made available by UNC Charlotte to the 49ners community.

UNC Charlotte'sResources for the 49ners