The Phyloinfomratics Lab at the 99th ASP Meeting
We attended the 99th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Parasitologists

The phyloinfomatics lab is attending the 99th meeting of the American Society of Parasitologists (ASP). The meeting celebrates 100 years since the inception of the ASP.
The lab is delivering two talks at this event, marking the completion of Dr. Philippe Vieira Alves’ tenure in the phyloinformatics lab funded by the São Paulo Reserach Foundation (FAPESP, proc. no. 2023/00714-5).
The two talks, the corresponding abstracts, and some supplementary material are available in Zenodo:
Talk 1: “Mitogenome organization, diversity, and evolutionary relationships of proteocephalidean tapeworms (Cestoda, Onchoproteocephalidea) unveiled by a genome skimming approach” (click here)
Talk 2: “Machine learning models accurately predict clades of proteocephalidean tapeworms (Onchoproteocephalidea) based on host and zoogeographical data” (click here)
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